Rants & Raves

Warm Weather- How (NOT) to Dress

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping- and of course, people are dressing as though it is 80 degrees outside. NEWSFLASH: it hasn’t reached over 65 degrees yet! Although we all are anxiously awaiting warmer weather, sunshine, and summer, that is no excuse to dress like a tourist in Hawaii. 

Some things I have noticed around campus:

Flip Flops:
Personally, I believe it is FAR too early in the season to be sporting flip-flops (specifically the $5 Old Navy flops... never wear those...) but hey, to each their own if you wanna have cold feet. More importantly, if you are going to wear flip-flops ladies, you better make sure to have taken care of what I’d like to call your “winter feet”. Now, lets all join together as a whole to admit that as girls our feet get neglected from the ever-so-necessary pedicure during the winter season (what’s the point, your feet are covered by fuzzy socks!) BUT if you want to wear flip-flops you better make sure to have a thorough foot scrub and a fresh polish. No one wants to see your winter feet, pale/cracked/ dry, crawling out of the top of your flops.

Tank Tops:
This goes out to girls and boys- it is too soon to wear JUST a tank top. Sure, pair it with a cardigan and you’ll look great. Aside from that, you shouldn’t be walking around, getting blown away by the wind with full arm and armpit exposure. I have noticed this trend most specifically in the greek community (ahem, ahem, frat tanks), please- wait another month and your fashion sense will be accepted. (LOVE, GDI)

To those of you still sporting UGGS, knit infinity scarves, and beanies- wake up people, it’s Spring!
In conclusion, Rutgers is going through some sort of identity crisis. I’m here to let you know, IT IS APRIL! SPRING (not Summer OR Winter) is here, now lets dress accordingly!

With that being said, here are some trends I find appealing for this weather:

Kimonos in springtime are equivalent to knit sweaters in winter- they are easy, appropriate, and complete an outfit. Kimonos are bright and inviting; typically floral or paisley print, they are the icon of Spring. One of my most favorite looks of Spring is a crop top, high waisted shorts, and a kimono: add a pair of Ray Ban Wayfarers and you have the perfect look for class, brunch, or a day drink. Most importantly, like sweaters, Kimonos also hide the weight you have gained from stuffing your face under heated comforters all winter (#springsnuckuponme #noshame)

Rompers/ Play Suits: 
Rompers and play suits are perfect for Spring and Summer. During Spring you can add stockings to a romper outfit if your legs are too bare (or pale), during Summer take em’ away and you have an entirely new outfit! Another benefit of rompers is they can easily be dressed up or down- by simply adding wedges or statement jewelry you have transformed a casual outfit into one that can be worn out on the town. One of my current personal favorites are floral rompers that look like dresses (Sorry credit card, I just bought 3).


First, let me start by saying, it is great to have your own personal style. Fashion isn’t about following what everyone else is wearing, it is about being comfortable and feeling confident in whatever it is you choose to wear. With that being said, there are some things that I feel look good on just about no one... 

1) UGG Boots
UGGs have been popular for many years, most specifically the awkward middle school days when your labels labeled you. In those years you wore whatever was “cool” so you too were considered “cool” (whatever the hell that means). We all went through the stage (Yes, I am guilty of wearing UGG boots with Abercrombie & Fitch jean skirts... God, kill me) but there is a time and place where everyone must dress their age. UGGs are comfortable and warm, don’t get me wrong, but they also look like moon shoes that would have been worn in Rainbow Bright circa 1980. UGGs should never be worn to a party, point blank. Going out doesn’t mean being comfortable, i’m sorry to break it to ya’. If you want to look acceptable, even in the dingy basement of a smelly fraternity party, put on a pair of riding boots or combat boots. They may not be as comfortable as the godforsaken UGG boots, but you also look much more put together and functional. If your feet get cold easily, layer your socks- this is when fuzzy slipper socks become most practical (don’t worry no one will see them. If you bring a guy home be sure to slip them off in the bathroom and act as if nothing happened). Remember, friends don't let friends wear UGGs. 

2) Leggings with Short Boots
Aren’t your legs cold girl?! It’s winter time! I am all for leggings and boots, it’s basically my everyday attire, but when you wear a pair of leggings that don’t extend all the way to the ankle you MUST and I repeat MUST wear taller boots! The awkward in-between skin of shorts boots and short leggings makes everyone around you feel uncomfortable. It looks awkward and ruins the potential of any prospective outfit. 

3) Dramatic Jewelry with Comfortable Clothes
There was once a girl (who shall go unnamed) that I attended high school with. This said girl thought by adding eye catching jewelry to her dressed down outfits she some how looked... good? I don’t know... but anyway, don’t wear sweatpants with dramatic jewelry. By wearing long, dangly earrings, or a chunky necklace with sweatpants you just look like you’re having an identity crisis. If you’re gonna dress like a bum, dress like a bum and embrace it! This is an acceptable time to wear UGGS (reference #1).

4) Black Lipstick
Recently I have seen models sporting black lipstick in high fashion magazines such as Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar- plain and simple: that’s where it should stop. If you aren’t a runway model, this trend isn’t for you- you look more like a 1990’s goth rather than a super model. 

5) Bra Strap Exposure
NOOO! Bra exposure is NEVER cute. It’s called a strapless bra, please, if you’ve ever needed anything more in your life, it is a strapless bra. I wear strapless bras everyday just to avoid the possibility of bra exposure. It’s horrible. You can go from classy to trashy in a matter of 10 seconds due to bra exposure, even if it’s just a little peep of strap, you’ve just ruined all authenticity of dressing with class. 

I'm sure there are many more "trends" that I hate, hmm lets see: spending too much money on designer labels (no one knows if your outfit in from Target unless you tell them), anything from Hollister and/or Abercrombie & Fitch (if you’re above the age of thirteen it's time to shop elsewhere), and individuals who find it acceptable to wear pajama pants in public. Pull yourselves together people, dress like normal civilized human beings- not like a cheap, trashy version of a neanderthal. 

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